Think Gypsy In The News
![think gypsy opener newspaper](/assets/dynamic_image/content/content_image_51482_53001.jpg)
I've always said that I want to be able to share my stories with as many people as possible! I don't want to just capture a location or snap a pretty picture, I want to capture a moment in a way that lets other people feel like they are right there with me. To not just gain followers but to build a community. I want to share the colors, the beauty, and the emotions of every experience I have with people who share my love for the world.
Well, today something happened that got me one step closer to that dream. Today I got featured in the Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, the Newspaper here in Steyr, Austria. It is so surreal. I am still pinching myself because today I was able to see my story and my journey printed for the world to read. Thank you all so much for the support and for making Think Gypsy a community that I always hoped it would be. I am so grateful for you!
![news paper 1](/assets/dynamic_image/content/content_image_51483_62562.jpg)
Let me give you a recap of all the fun facts that were mentioned throughout my interview!
The story starts by explaining what the job of a travel blogger is. Everything from the locations, to the food, to the clothes all combine into my job. To many, it looks like a never ending, dream vacation! I am able to travel to locations and share my stories and my experiences through my blog Think Gypsy and my instagram. But what many people don't see is the work that goes on behind the scenes.
The article goes on to explain what sort of work goes into being a travel blogger. It is all about finding a way to share the way you see the world. Every location is pretty so it is important to show off not just what makes it beautiful but what makes it unique. The work behind the scenes comes down to location scouting, planning, staging, photographing, and of course editing. Editing is an entire job on its own. Which brings the article to my presets. It is important to create a consistent way to edit pictures because it allows you to show off your own style. You want people to see a picture and realize it is yours just based off of the style and edit!
The article then moves on to talk about why it is important to share realistic stories and behind the scenes content. No one wants to see someone who is perfect all the time. People want to be able to connect with you and understand the personality that is behind the person in the pictures. For example, one of my most read blogs is actually about my food poisoning in Paris. A story that is not at all glamorous but just something I wanted to share.
The artcile then wraps up with a short profile on who I am. It talks about my college studies, my family, my boyfriend, and all the little things that make me me!
![new paper 2](/assets/dynamic_image/content/content_image_51486_90122.jpg)