22 Things I've learned
I am 22 years old. Now for most adults, they hear that age and call me young and adorable! In fact, yesterday I had a client tell me I looked way too young to be in law school and asked if I was sure I wasn't still in high school. I'm not saying they aren't somewhat right, I am young and I am pretty dang adorable. But I still remember being 16 years old and thinking how long I still had until I was 21 and finally “grown up.” In high school, we think about what our twenties will be like. What will it be like to finally be an adult and have our lives figured out. Well let me tell you something, your twenties are the years when the adulting just beings. They are the years where you feel like a grown up and a kid all at the same time. Your twenties are the years where you are trying so hard to be taken seriously in a world full of people who appear to have their lives together. I do not have all the answers yet but I have learned a lot in my 22 years on this planet. Here are lessons that every 20 something-year-old should remember!